Why Is My Bearded Dragon Not Eating? | Possible Causes 2024

Whenever a bearded dragon is upset or uncomfortable, it will stop eating. There can be many reasons for feeling upset, and if owners are able to find the answer to the question, “Why is my bearded dragon not eating?” It can solve many issues to ensure a healthy pet.

Why Is My Bearded Dragon Not Eating

9 Reasons Why Bearded Dragons Stop Eating

The best way to understand what made your bearded dragon so upset that it stopped eating is to eliminate the following reasons one by one until you reach the conclusion of why your pet isn’t feeding well. Here are the top reasons for loss of appetite in bearded dragons:

Cold Environment

Bearded dragons are reptilians. They are programmed to live well in warmth, and as the temperature lowers they hibernate. Hibernation means not feeding enough and sleeping more to conserve energy through the cold season. If the tank or surroundings are cold, turn them to normal for your bearded pet.

Cold Environment


Another reason for not eating bearded dragons is stress. If your pet does not eat well, it can suffer from dehydration and other issues so try and find out what is causing stress. Is it strong lighting? Or is it too much movement in the surroundings? Bearded dragons can get stressed even if you stop petting them so be sure to keep your bearded pet pampered and attended to so it does not feel stressful enough to stop eating!


Wrong Diet

If you are feeding your bearded dragon the wrong foods, it will stop eating. The diet for these pets is special as they eat only vegetables, and insects. A few fruits are also good for dragons. You must ensure that you do not give them fatty foods, or foods that have calcium, and a phosphorus ratio of more than 2:1. If there is more phosphorus in any food item, the dragon will stop eating and become weak.

Wrong Diet


Wild-caught bearded dragons have internal parasites that can be harmful. Make sure you take the bearded dragon to the vet to get shots for getting rid of parasites. Once your pet is free from all kinds of parasites it eats well and does not feel low in energy.



When food gets stuck in the intestinal tract and clogs the system for bearded dragons, it is called impaction. The blockage can be uncomfortable and if it grows intense, the bearded dragon will begin to walk stiffly. The painful impaction can be removed by feeding it fiber. However, a trip to the vet is highly recommended in this condition. Impaction leads to a sudden lack of feeding, which can lead to weakness and sluggishness.



Brumation causes the appetite to diminish slowly and it can be stressful for the dragon as well as the owner. Try to feed the bearded dragons their favorite insects and foods so that it overcomes the brumation period. Bearded Dragon Brumation is similar to hibernation and may be related to temperature decrease as well.



When bearded dragons shed their skin they get uncomfortable and anxious. This restlessness results in loss of appetite. During this time, you can make it easier for the dragon to shed skin. A warm bath can be soothing and can help get rid of the skin. Moreover, you can massage It lightly to soothe the skin as well. Once the dragon sheds its skin completely, it will feel better and begin to eat normally.



If the bearded dragon suffers from any injury, it will stop eating. Look for any obvious wounds and get them treated. Otherwise, take your bearded dragon for a check-up to ensure that there are no internal injuries. When we are upset or when we are hurt, appetite is the last thing on our minds. However, when you look at your bearded dragon not eating due to injury, it takes only a few days for it to become weak! Address all injuries so that your bearded pet can eat properly and live healthily.


Vitamin Deficiencies

Whenever there is a nutritional balance, a lack of appetite is inevitable! Bearded dragons will become sluggish or unresponsive if they have vitamin deficiencies. This state can be avoided by providing an all-rounder meal every time. Be sure to keep calcium and protein high with a good amount of fiber. Feed your dragon carrots, capsicum, collard greens, and turnip greens to provide all the essential vitamins. Once the vitamin deficiency subsides, you will see the bearded dragon go to the feeding dish all by itself!

Vitamin Deficiencies


Why is the bearded dragon not eating? There can be more than a few reasons for a loss of appetite. When you decide to find out what is causing this state, look for the reasons we have explained and you are bound to find a solution. Moreover, you can also find out What Does A Bearded Dragon Eat.

Frequently Asked Questions

Many first-time dragon owners ask different things about their pets. See if you have also wondered about the following questions:

Is my bearded dragon going to start eating after it fell from the table?

Bearded dragons stop eating when they are injured or if they are anxious due to stress. If your dragon is not eating since the fall, it is best to take it to a vet to rule out the chances of any internal injury. Once you know the reason, address it so that the dragon begins eating again!

Will my dragon die if it doesn’t eat for three days?

No, your dragon will not die because they are capable of staying without food for days. However, if your pet is not eating properly, observe if it has injuries, if the temperature is too cold for it, or if it has any vitamin deficiencies. You can also check if the bearded dragon has any of the problems listed above. A timely solution can help reduce the problem.

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