Can Bearded Dragons Eat Peaches? | Nutritional Guide 2024

Everyone likes peaches, and bearded dragons are no different. They will enjoy eating this juicy fruit, but pet parents must ensure that it will be a good choice for them or not. Can bearded dragons eat peaches? Peaches are full of healthy nutrients for both humans and animals. However, there is a difference between any pet liking a particular food item, and it being a healthy choice for them. If you got a bearded dragon pet recently, you must know what kind of nutrients they should have, and what should be avoided.

Bearded dragons are reptilians that have adapted to the dry and hot weather of the deserts in Australia. These creatures have unique requirements and it is essential for you to know them. Moreover, it is also necessary to see what kind of nutrients are in peaches. Interestingly, peaches are the safest fruit among all the others. It can be eaten more often than other sugary, fatty, and toxic fruits. However, fruits constitute a very little ratio of the whole diet for a reptile lizard. Therefore the caretaker must feed the peaches cautiously.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Peaches

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Peaches? Complete Information

Bearded dragons can have peaches but you must ensure that only a small dose is fed to keep these reptilians safe from an overdose of sugar. If you are feeding peaches once a week, it is a suitable dose for bearded dragons. However, pet parents should use this fruit as a garnish along with other beneficial fruits and vegetables. Bearded dragons enjoy aromatic, sweet-tasting, and fleshy fruits. When served in a small dose, the sugar risk diminishes and your bearded pet enjoys the numerous benefits of this fruit.

Owning an exotic pet is not the same as owning regular animals. You must know what nutrients your pet is taking and what is necessary. Hence, this is a nutrient value chart for 100 g of peaches for you to analyze. Also, read Can Bearded Dragons Have Nectarines?

Nutrients In Peaches For Bearded Dragons

Peaches are among the few fruits that people like due to taste and nutrition. There are many high-sugar fruits that do not suit bearded dragons, but peaches are allowed for consumption due to the overwhelming amount of nutrients. These nutrients outweigh the risks of high sugar. Check out the basic nutrients that make peaches a safe bet for bearded dragons.

Fiber: Peaches contain 1.5 g of fiber in every 100 grams of fruit. This amount is low, but it is useful for these reptilians. Dietary fiber is very useful for a smooth digestive tract, ensures a clean stomach, and prevents other stomach problems by improving the digestion of food.

Calcium: The 6 mg of calcium in 100 grams of peaches may be low, but since it is an essential nutrient, any amount contained in a fruit or vegetable will be helpful.

Phosphorus: Here is one of the biggest reasons that bearded dragons should not eat peaches every day. The amount of phosphorus in peaches is around 20 mg in 100 grams of the fruit. This amount is high because the ideal calcium-to-phosphorus ratio for bearded dragons is 2:1. Since peaches have higher phosphorus, they are not suitable for daily consumption.

This mineral becomes a hard choice because it hinders the absorption of calcium in these reptilians. Many pets like guinea pigs benefit from phosphorus, but bearded dragons do not gain any strength from it. If the calcium absorption is not efficient, your bearded dragon will have weak bones that will gradually become soft. Also, see, Can Bearded Dragons Eat Apricots?

Vitamins: Peaches are a rich source of vitamins A, K, and C. All these vitamins help promote healthy body functions. Vitamin A helps bearded dragons have strong eyesight, and Vitamin K prevents blood clotting. Vitamin C keeps bearded dragons safe from infection and diseases.

Potassium: Peaches are rich in potassium. A good amount of potassium in the fruit strengthens the nervous system and also helps in healthy water retention in the body. Moreover, potassium also keeps the circulatory system in check with stable blood pressure.


Risks Of Feeding Peaches

Every fruit should be eaten in moderation as a rule of thumb. There are several reasons for this precaution. About 90% of the whole peach is water, therefore this fruit is very hydrating. Watery or juicy fruits may have their benefits but excess of these fruits can cause digestive issues. Too much water in peaches can result in an upset stomach and diarrhea.

Secondly, Goitrogens are chemicals present in peaches in considerable amounts. These chemicals can result in serious health problems for your friendly pet. Goitrogens can enlarge the thyroid gland by inhibiting the absorption of iodine and causing thyroid hormone imbalance. The hormonal imbalances can further lead to more health issues.

Peaches are rich in phosphorus too, which is not a healthy sign. Phosphorus prevents the absorption of calcium in the blood. The high amount of phosphorus in the body binds to the calcium molecules and prevents the absorption of calcium permanently. This reaction leads to a calcium deficiency in the body and may also result in metabolic bone disease (MBD). Low calcium levels also cause tooth problems and weaker bone development.

How To Feed Peaches

Keeping all the pros and cons of peaches in mind, ultimately your bearded dragons can eat a few chunks of peaches once a week. Remember, excess feeding of fruits can result in health issues like metabolic bone disease, upset stomach, diarrhea, hormonal imbalances, etc. It is best to feed peaches only once a week with any other main course like insects or green salads.

Peach Skin Is Not Acceptable

Do not feed peach skin to your dragons. Although the skin’s composition of nutrients is not dangerous, it is hard and can easily choke your bearded pet. It is always advised to feed only soft foods to a lizard as they cannot chew well. Therefore, never feed peaches with the skin to your pet. Always peel the peach and chop it into small manageable pieces.

Moreover, it is best if you do not feed the leaves or stems of the peach tree to these reptilians. The reason is the same as the hard parts of the fruit can choke the dragon, or it can cause a more serious problem of impaction. Impaction can cause immobility since it clogs the large intestine and causes pain in the lower abdomen and hind legs of bearded dragons.


Conclusively, you can feed peaches to a bearded dragon, as they are one of the safest and most adored fruits for bearded dragons. They are good for a healthy nervous system, strong immune system, better eyesight, and a smooth digestive tract. However, this fruit should not be fed in excess as it can cause health problems in that case. It is best to feed peaches only once a week to your pet. Furthermore, read our guide about Can Bearded Dragons Eat Avocado.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can bearded dragons eat canned peaches?

No, it is best to eat only fresh peaches and not processed ones. Canned peaches are usually processed and contain extra sweeteners and preservatives. These extra chemicals are very unhealthy for a bearded dragon and may upset its stomach. Therefore, only feed fresh fruits to your pet as a rule of thumb.

Can bearded dragons eat dried peaches?

No! Dried peaches are even unhealthier than canned peaches. Dried peaches have been deprived of all their nutrients and hence their nutritional value is extremely low. Moreover, they are also extra sweet and so, very high in sugar content. The high sugar content causes many health problems like obesity, lethargic attitude, dental decay, upset stomach, etc.

What will happen if bearded dragons eat too many peaches?

Bearded dragons are reptilians with slow metabolism and if you feed them too much sugar, they may get anxious and the high sugar level in their body might result in diarrhea. The high sugar does not metabolize and is stored in the body as fat. Your bearded pet will become overweight and it can lead to obesity if you keep feeding sugary fruits to them.

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