Can Guinea Pigs Eat Red Cabbage? | Safe Addition To Their Diet? 2024

Red cabbage is becoming a popular food choice as it is a good salad component and can also give consumers a good amount of nutrients needed to improve their daily lifestyle. It is natural for pet parents to think that they can feed a nutritious vegetable to their guinea pigs as well. Can guinea pigs eat red cabbage?

Get to know all about the needs of your pet, while also learning more about red cabbage so that you can determine whether or not it is a good vegetable for them or not.

Guinea pigs are rodents, so everything that suits us might not be a suitable food item for them. Moreover, the quantities that are ideal for you might not be the best for them. Let’s begin with seeing how the guinea pig will feel if it consumes red cabbage.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Red Cabbage

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Red Cabbage Or Is It Harmful

Guinea pigs can eat red cabbage as it has all the suitable nutrients for these creatures. The vegetable is crunchy and has a bite factor, which is essential for guinea pigs. The teeth of these rodents keep growing long and if they do not eat hard foods that erode their teeth a little every time, they may find it hard to eat food.

The red cabbage has a crispy texture, which is going to be beneficial for the guinea pig’s dentition. If you want to see your guinea pig healthy and active, this vegetable will offer them a good meal, and some big benefits.

Every food is rich in some nutrients, while some may be absent. The trick for pet parents is to see whether all the nutrients in any food are suitable for these cavies, and if something is missing, is that a big sacrifice? You will be able to decide on the ideal diet plan by figuring these details out. In addition, read Can Guinea Pigs Eat Green Beans?


What Does Red Cabbage Offer To Guinea Pigs

Red cabbage is rich in numerous minerals, vitamins, and fiber. Moreover, it has a high water content. Here is the nutritional value of red cabbage:

Vitamin C: The high vitamin C content of red cabbage makes it a better choice than green cabbage. Red cabbage is rich in this vitamin, which is essential for guinea pigs because, like humans, these creatures do not produce vitamin C in their bodies. This vitamin prevents disorders like scurvy and your pet remains healthy due to a better immune system.

Vitamin K: The amount of vitamin K in red cabbage is high and this helps blood circulation and other body systems. Guinea pigs will feel active and their digestive and blood circulation system will benefit from this vitamin also.

Fiber: The roughage foods are a great addition to the guinea pig’s diet because it regulates their digestive system and keeps them fit. Since red cabbage has high fiber, it is a good fit and if you feed it regularly, it may even replace the need for pellet foods and you can feed less Timothy Hay as well.

Red Cabbage

Folate: The production of red blood cells is a great thing and if your guinea pig has healthy blood, all other systems also work well. Folate is iron, and that improves red blood cell health. Your pet will be able to cleanse the various organs properly and even absorb higher oxygen, which is a good thing in the long run.

Potassium: This element keeps guinea pigs active too, and it balances the body systems in minor, yet important ways. If the potassium level is good in the body, guinea pigs will feel good and their ability to fight off lethargy and anxiety will be greater.

Flavonoid For Lower Cholesterol: The antioxidant flavonoid in cabbage keeps the guinea pig free from the build-up of cholesterol. Guinea pigs’ heart health will improve and they will feel stronger. The lower amount of bad cholesterol ensures healthy body functions. Please, have a look at Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pumpkin.

Risks Of Feeding Red Cabbage To Guinea Pigs

While there are so many nutrients in red cabbage, there are also some risks involved if you do not feed this vegetable moderately. Here are the problems that red cabbage can cause:

1. Bloating

Red cabbage may cause bloating, discomfort, and flatulence in guinea pigs. This vegetable has a higher water content so it also acts as a diuretic, but you must not rely on this vegetable for the main meals during the day. Try and limit the red cabbage meals for nibbling, or snacks rather than being the main component of the diet.

2. Bladder Stones

One of the nutrients in red cabbage that are not beneficial for guinea pigs is calcium. These rodents can develop bladder stones due to the deposition of calcium. This can be very painful and may even cause the guinea pig to die so pet parents must keep the consumption of calcium low for guinea pigs. Also, discover Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cauliflower.

How Much Red Cabbage Is Good

You must feed two leaves of red cabbage to small guinea pigs and almost a cup of this vegetable to adult guinea pigs. This portion can be a part of their diet twice a week as any more may cause bloating and bladder stones.

If you are feeding this veggie more frequently, reduce the amount further. However, feeding it twice a week sounds like a good amount and you can follow it.

How To Feed Red Cabbage To Guinea Pigs

You do not have to shred or cut the red cabbage into small pieces, you can cut out leaves and feed them separately, or if you are cutting through the vegetable, then an inch square chunk will be a good part of their diet.

Since red cabbage will be a crunchy food and there is going to be a good exercise routine for their teeth. Cutting up the red cabbage is not advisable, and giving them spread-out leaves of the cabbage can be a good alternative.

What Other Kinds Of Cabbages Can Guinea Pigs Eat

There are numerous kinds of cabbages like green, red, purple, and savoy. Green cabbage is the most common, but red cabbage has the highest Vitamin C. Savoy cabbage has soft leaves so it is not the best food for guinea pigs who need a harder texture to chew on. Here is a short comparison of all these kinds of cabbage:

1. Green Cabbage

Does not contain Vitamin C in high amounts such as red cabbage, and the water content is higher. Moreover, the folate and magnesium content is also lower.

2. Savoy Cabbage:

Has soft leaves that are green, which means that vitamin C and vitamin K are lesser. Moreover, the texture of the leaf is not ideal for guinea pigs.

3. Purple Cabbage

Similar to red cabbage and can be a good fit for your guinea pig. You can alternate between these two to give a high vitamin C dose.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is red cabbage an expensive item?

No, red cabbages are not expensive but you will find them more abundantly in the summer season. Some places also have this veggie in winter, but you will have to look for it.

Will red cabbage make my guinea pig’s fur red?

No, the red color of cabbage is not going to color the fur as beetroots do. This veggie does not give off any color so your guinea pig will remain clean.

Will my guinea pig enjoy red cabbage?

Yes, guinea pigs enjoy red cabbage because they will feel the crunchy texture and aroma. Moreover, the taste of this cabbage is also going to be good for them.


Can guinea pigs eat red cabbage? The answer is yes they can. Get to know what is in red cabbage and then decide how much you should add to your daily diet.

Moreover, you can decide how to feed this vegetable. If you are looking for an alternative to red cabbage, it can be purple cabbage. Before you feed this vegetable, be sure to know how to feed this veggie, and how much is considered moderate. Also, find out Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cabbage.

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