Can Bearded Dragons Eat Tomatoes? | Dietary Considerations 2024

It may have been common practice for pet owners to empty their plates into their pets’ feeding dishes. However, if you have a bearded dragon, you should know that these creatures cannot eat every fruit and vegetable. Can bearded dragons eat tomatoes? You will have to understand the daily requirements for your pet to ensure they do well and grow healthily.

Everyone wants healthy feeding habits for their pets, and that is why it is crucial to know what your pet’s nutritional needs are, and what can you feed them. If you got a bearded dragon as a pet, the challenge is to understand that they are not mammals, and their needs are very different from those of cats and dogs.

Tomatoes are healthy fruits containing vitamin C, water, fibers, and important minerals. Tomatoes also contain lycopene antioxidants which have many health benefits. Now the question is, are tomatoes safe and healthy food sources for bearded dragons too?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Tomatoes

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Tomatoes

Tomato is a safe and healthy treat for your bearded dragon. However, it cannot be a staple fruit in your bearded dragon’s diet. Tomatoes can be a good treat for your bearded dragon but only if it is given once a month. Read the article below to know more about tomatoes in a bearded dragon’s diet.

Nutrition In Tomatoes

Fruits can be a good source of nutrition but only if it is given occasionally. Tomatoes are rich in vitamins and minerals. Moreover, it also has lycopene which has many health benefits. The nutritional chart below gives the values of nutrients in 100 grams of tomatoes according to the US department of Agriculture.

Nutrient Value Unit 
Vitamin K 7.9 ug
Vitamin A 75 ug
Vitamin E 0.12 mg
Vitamin C 16 mg
Vitamin B6 0.06 mg
Vitamin D 0 ug
Iron Fe 0.47 mg
Sodium Na 42 mg
Phosphorus P 29 mg
Calcium Ca 5 mg
Sugars 9.75 gram
Fibers 0.9 gram
Carbohydrate 3.18 gram
Total lipid (fat) 0.19 gram
Protein 1.16 gram
Energy 16 kcal
Water 94.78 gram

As you can see tomatoes have many nutrients which provide a health boost for your bearded dragon. Many fruits are high in sugar content and because of high sugar, they cannot be fed daily to your bearded dragon. The good thing about tomatoes is that they are low in sugar if you compare tomatoes with other fruits. Tomatoes contain 2.63g of sugar 100g which is very low for your bearded dragon. High sugar content leads to many harmful problems like Obesity, diarrhea, tooth decay, and gum problems.

Tomatoes are also rich in vitamin C which is important for good vision, the immune system, and the growth of your bearded dragon. There are many benefits of vitamin C but vitamin C in high quantities can cause illness to your bearded dragon.

How Often Can They Eat Tomatoes

Feeding your bearded dragon tomatoes once a month will be safe and healthy for them. On the contrary, this fruit becomes unsafe when you add it to the dragon’s diet more frequently. Tomatoes offer only a few benefits for bearded dragons. It will not be wrong to say that there can be many other vegetables or fruits that you can feed your pet dragon and see them thrive.

These creatures eat less, and if a part of it is tomatoes, which do not offer excellent nutrition, it can be a waste of the portion. Add vegetables or fruits that are rich in protein, calcium, and vitamins so that the dragon grows healthily.


If you are a responsible owner of your bearded dragon then you should know that calcium is essential for a bearded dragon. Calcium is important for the reproduction and healthy bones of a bearded dragon and without calcium, your bearded dragon will suffer from a serious illness.

Firstly, Tomatoes are very low in calcium. As you can see in the nutrition chart, they only offer 5 mg of calcium which can lead to metabolic bone disease. Secondly, tomatoes contain a good amount of water, which is great for hydration and will also boost your bearded dragon. However, if tomatoes are fed daily then they can cause diarrhea to your bearded dragon.

Last but not least, tomatoes also contain a small amount of citric acid which can make your bearded dragon’s stomach upset and is also harmful to their digestive system. You may also like Can Bearded Dragons Eat Dill.

What Other Fruits Can They Eat

Here is a list of some alternative fruits that are better and healthier than tomatoes they can feed on.

  • Acorn squash
  • Yellow squash
  • Sweet potato
  • Mango
  • Green beans
  • Broccoli
  • Apples
  • Bell peppers

How To Prepare A Tomato As A Meal

Here is a simple process you can follow to prepare a tomato as a meal for your bearded dragon:


  1. Buy some fresh tomatoes for your bearded dragon. You should only serve fresh tomatoes to them because unripe and stale tomatoes can be harmful to your bearded dragon’s digestive system.
  2. The next step is to wash the tomatoes very carefully because they often come with chemicals it can cause serious issues to your bearded dragon.
  3. The final step is to cut the tomato into small pieces and then remove the seeds so it cannot be a choking and chewing hazard for your bearded dragon. Tomatoes can be a great meal for your beard if it is fed occasionally.


Tomatoes are a healthy and nutritious treat for your bearded dragon but they can be very dangerous to the bearded dragon due to their high phosphorus and low calcium. However, these vitamins and other nutrients can only be healthy and safe if they are offered in moderation to a bearded dragon; they should only be fed once a month. Also, read Can Bearded Dragons Eat Pineapple.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can bearded dragons eat tomatoes leaves and stems?

No, bearded dragons cannot eat leaves and stem because they contain alkaloids that can be very poisonous for your dragon. Do not give any of these to your bearded, it can cause death to your dragon

Can baby dragons eat tomatoes?

No, it is not good to include tomatoes or any fruit in their diet because fruit contains sugar, water, oxalates, etc. which are unhealthy for them. They should only feed on insects; they should get 90% of their diet from insects.

Can a bearded dragon eat tomato hornworms?

Of course, they can feed on tomato hornworms as they are very high in proteins but only feed them captive tomato hornworms. Therefore, it can be a good meal for your bearded dragon for a balanced diet plan.

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