Can Bearded Dragons Eat Blackberries? | Nutritional Guide 2024

Reptilians are not like humans or mammalian animals that can eat different kinds of foods and sustain themselves. They cannot eat fruits that have a high sugar level. Moreover, they cannot process high-fat foods because their metabolism is slow. Another thing is that some nutrients that are less than vital and can be avoided. Let’s get to know can bearded dragons eat blackberries.

Bearded dragons depend on vegetables and fruits for their calcium, and vitamin requirements. There are many of these items that are allowed, and then there are some that do not suit them. Bearded dragons have specific food requirements so you should begin by knowing what will be good for them and what won’t. Can bearded dragons eat blackberries? This is a common question from new pet owners.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Blackberries

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Blackberries

Well, blackberry is a delicious and tasty fruit and it is rich in essential nutrients, and antioxidants. It is difficult to find a human being who refuses to take a bite of it! But can bearded dragons eat blackberries? Is it safe and healthy for a bearded dragon to feed on blackberries?

Yes, it is safe and healthy and a bearded dragon can eat blackberries as a nutritious fruit. However, you can only give them only once a month. Many Bearded dragons love fruits and they are ready to eat them all time but it is very sad to say that they could only eat fruits as a treat although it is packed with nutrition so much can be dangerous for your bearded pet. So, the occasional blackberries won’t be a problem at all.

Are Blackberries Healthy For Them

There are many fruits that are safe for humans but they can be toxic for a bearded dragon. The good news is that blackberries are healthy and safe to feed to your bearded dragon but they should be in moderation. Like other fruits, blackberries also contain 85% of water which is unsuitable for bearded dragons.

These reptilians live in dry and arid areas, and they have adapted to low water consumption. They cannot consume higher water-content foods regularly. However, some fruits and veggies that are otherwise rich in nutrients are good for them. Because of the high amount of water, your little friend can get diarrhea.


Blackberries also contain oxalates, which cannot be good for bearded dragons for the same reason. Some of the minor components of these berries include antioxidants anthocyanins, ellagic acid, and resveratrol to protect your dragon’s cell from free radicals and these free radicals can cause harm to your bearded dragon moreover it also involves aging, heart disease, and blood sugar level.

Blackberry is also rich in vitamins C and K. These vitamins are very necessary for your bearded dragon; they are essential for blood circulation and proper healing. Blackberries also have a minor amount of vitamin A which also serves some functions in your body. It is good for their immune system and it is also important for their bones, teeth, and healthy young skin.

It also contains fiber content and this fruit is richer in fiber than other foods this is great because fibers play a vital role in the movement of the bowel and healthy and smooth digestion. Also, read Can Bearded Dragons Eat Nectarines?

Disadvantages Of Blackberry

Blackberries contain a great amount of nutrition however, there are also many disadvantages of feeding any fruit or vegetable if it is not done in moderation. Blackberries are small and round, but did you ever wonder that they can be big for bearded dragons to chew and swallow? Blackberries can be large in size. Therefore, it can choke little bearded dragons.

The rule is to cut every fruit or vegetable to a size that is smaller than the size of a bearded dragon’s eye. If you serve these berries thinking that the bearded dragon will be able to digest them, you may see your pet go through a horrible episode of constipation that will result in impaction.


A blackberry contains a great amount of sugar which is indeed not good for your dragon. The high sugar content can cause diarrhea because high sugar content can give your bearded pet an upset stomach and it can even cause diarrhea which can come back in the form of dehydration. This will only happen if they are added frequently to your bearded dragon’s diet. There are many other problems like heart failure, blood sugar issues, and diabetes. To avoid these causes you have to make a proper diet plan for your bearded dragon.

Another serious issue is the oxalates. They’re not dangerous until it is taken in small amounts, but feeding too much can lead to adverse effects for your little beardies. Although it looks like this fruit is very harmful and dangerous for your bearded dragons. However, it is safe and healthy for your bearded dragon. Any fruit you will feed to your dragon its quantity decides whether it is safe or harmful for a bearded dragon. Also, read Can Bearded Dragons Eat Ham.

Nutritional Facts About Blackberries

In one serving of blackberries, there are:

  • Calories: 62
  • Carbohydrates: 14 g
  • Fat: >1g
  • Fiber: 8 g
  • Sugar: 7 g


  • Manganese
  • Copper
  • Zinc
  • Potassium
  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Phosphorous


  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin K
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamins B9, B5, B3, B2, and B1

Frequently Asked Questions

What other fruits a bearded dragon can eat?

Figs, Watermelon, Apples, Mango, Papaya, Dates, Peaches, Apricots, Pears, Strawberries, Raspberries, Blueberries, Guava, Grapes, and Raisins.

How many blackberries can a bearded dragon eat?

Now we all know that blackberries are rich in nutrients but it can be dangerous if your bearded dragon will consume them daily so they should only be fed once a month.

Can bearded dragons eat meat?

Yes, they can eat meat but only in the form of insects. Some insects you can give to your Bearded dragon are Crickets, Kingworms, and Waxworms- these should only be fed as a treat, Earthworms, Cockroaches, Locusts, Butter worms, Silkworms, Phoenix worms, Crickets, Dubia roaches, Morio worms, Mealworms – these should only be fed to adult Bearded Dragons, Super worms.

Can bearded dragons have dried blackberries?

The dried fruits are very rich in sugar which means dangerous which makes me say no. Stick with feeding them fresh blackberries. They will be best for them.


Blackberries are very nutritious and healthy but there are more risks involved. You can control them by feeding them occasionally, by keeping it in moderation your little bearded dragon can be saved from many problems. As long as you are able to do that it can be a sweet treat for them. Also, read and find out Can Bearded Dragons Eat Pineapple.

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