What Fruits Can Bearded Dragons Eat? | Nutritious Treat Options 2024

You can feed beardies from a wide plethora of insects, greens, and fruits. Isn’t that convenient? Dragon owners always have many options on the table for them. However, not all fruits are beneficial for beardies! So what fruits can bearded dragons eat safely? Let’s find out. One of the best ease of petting bearded dragons is that these exotic reptiles are omnivores. But it is essential to plan a bearded dragon’s diet according to its age.

Young and active beardies who are in the first year of their age, need a far greater portion of insects than the portion of vegetables, while the portion of fruits is the smallest. This is due to the unfit nutritional properties of many fruits that may be hazardous for the beardie’s health. Hence. The fruits have to be selected very thoughtfully, and only the best fruits should be added to the beardie’s bowl. Here, we will highlight the fruits bearded dragons can eat safely.

What Fruits Can Bearded Dragons Eat

List Of Fruits That Can Bearded Dragons Eat


Apple is one of the most loved fruits around the globe. Humans, animals, and insects adore this fruit for its sweet and refreshing unique taste. Lucky for beardies, it is the safest fruit to have. Bearded dragons can have apples weekly! Remember to always feed fruit in a small amounts. Red and green apples are beneficial and safe for bearded dragons. They contain Vitamin C, Vitamin A, calcium, fiber, potassium, chlorogenic acid, catechin, anthocyanin, and many other beneficial nutrients.



Cantaloupe or sweet melon is safe for bearded dragons. You can feed it to your dragon in small amounts once a week to prevent any health concerns that may result from its high sugar and excess water content. Cantaloupe contains many beneficial nutrients like potassium, magnesium, zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Beta-carotene, folic acid, fiber, and important antioxidants. Peel the skin of the cantaloupe and take out the seeds first and then cut the flesh into small pieces before feeding it to your pet beardie.



You might have heard of figs a lot when it comes to feeding safe fruits to bearded dragons. Figs are excellent sources of calcium which is the most demanded nutrient for bearded dragons. Figs aid beardies in their bone development and growth. It also contains fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. You can feed figs once or twice a week to your dragon without any problem. However, do not feed them more than twice a week as they are high in calories and sugar. Try not to feed dry figs, as they are difficult to chew.



Another fruit on the safe list for bearded dragons is grapes. Red grapes, green grapes, and grape leaves, all are healthy food for your pet lizard. You can feed grapes to your dragon once or twice a week. Cut the grapes into half or four pieces to avoid any choking hazards. Grapes contain Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin K, potassium, manganese, iron, and antioxidants.

However, dried grapes or raisins are not suitable for the diet of beardies. They are very sweet and therefore contain too much sugar. Avoid feeding them to your beardie as they are not the same as fresh grapes.



Blueberries are an excellent source of nutrition for bearded dragons. In fact, it is one of their most loved fruits. They are safe to eat once a week and benefit your pet with Vitamin C, Vitamin K, manganese, antioxidants, and fiber. Both blue and purple blueberries are healthy for beardies if fed once or twice a week.

However, the texture of the berries is smooth and so can choke the lizard easily. Therefore, you must cut each berry according to the size of your bearded dragon first. Black blueberries are also found in some places, you can feed them to your pet as they are safe too.



Watermelon is a popular fruit amongst all the safe fruits on the list. Bearded dragons love their taste and are always wanting to have more of their delicious taste. But watermelons should only be given in a small amount occasionally as a treat.

For a healthy diet, only feed watermelon once a month to your dragon, as it contains 90% water which can result in digestive problems like diarrhea very easily. Watermelon contains Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, manganese, potassium, calcium, and other antioxidants. For more details please check Can a Bearded Dragon Eat Watermelon.



Strawberries are another safe treat for beardies. These sweet and fresh fruits tantalize the taste buds of beardies and make them happy. However, do not feed them as a staple fruit. You can feed a small number of strawberries once or twice a week and no more than that. Chop the fruit into smaller pieces and add them to the salad. Strawberries are amazing sources of Vitamin C and also other nutrients like potassium, manganese, and folic acid.



Next, we have papaya, a delicious and safe fruit for bearded dragons. You can feed them yellow, orange, or red papaya safely once or twice a month. Papaya improves digestion, keeps beardies hydrated, and also prevents illness for your docile pet. It contains Vitamin C, Vitamin A, fiber, beta-carotene, and manganese. Potassium, and other beneficial nutrients.



Beardies can eat mangoes safely too. They are full of health benefits due to the good amount of Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, folic acid, and potassium. However, mangoes are very sweet and so the high amount of sugar can cause health concerns if the fruit is fed in excess. You can feed mangoes occasionally and cut them into small cubes in a salad with other foods. Moreover, you can read all about Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mango too.



Plums are also safe for the balanced diet of bearded dragons. They are very nutritious and packed with healthy nutrients. They contain potassium, manganese, fiber, beta carotene, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and other nutrients. Make sure there aren’t any seeds in the fruit and you have properly washed and cut the plums according to the size of your bearded dragon.



Yes, bearded dragons can eat peaches too. These mouth-watering fruits are safe for your beardie if they are given as a treat in controlled amounts. Peaches are full of energy, vitamins, antioxidants, potassium, manganese, and fiber. They are good for digestion, circulation, and eyesight for your pet dragon.

Bearded dragons are allowed to eat a few small pieces of peach once a week. Peel the peach, take out the seed, and chop it into small pieces. However, do not feed dried, canned, or frozen peaches to your pet as they are coated with chemicals and contain higher sugar content.



Another fruit for bearded dragons is a ripe banana. However, they are not as safe as apples due to their calcium-to-phosphorus ratio and high sugar. You can feed your beardie ripped and peeled bananas as a treat once or twice a month as a treat only. They are beneficial because of their good folic acid, potassium, Vitamin B6, and manganese content. Feeding bananas are okay as long as they are fed in moderation.



What fruits can bearded dragons eat? Well, now you know that there is a list of safe fruits for your beardie including mango, figs, watermelon, apple, cantaloupe, plums, blueberries, grapes, etc. Although we have mentioned all the safe fruits that your bearded dragon can eat, it is necessary to know that every fruit should be fed in a small quantity as only insects can be stapled foods for these exotic pets.

Frequently Asked Questions

What fruits can bearded dragons not eat?

Fruits that are toxic or unhealthy for your bearded dragons include avocado, orange, grapefruit, lemon, lime, and eggplant. These cause health risks for beardies and can result in fatal illnesses. Avocado is a fatty fruit and is high in oxalates therefore it is poisonous and toxic for beardies. On the other hand, oranges, lemons, limes, eggplants, and grapefruits are acidic fruits and disturb the pH of beardies.

Why can’t bearded dragons eat too much fruit?

Even safe fruits have high sugar content than all fruits too. These sugars cause high blood pressure and dental issues. Moreover, fruits are naturally filled with water and they can cause digestive diseases like diarrhea easily. Not only this but fruits are also known for being high in oxalic acid which results in low calcium absorption for beardies. Not to forget, that fruits already have a poor calcium-to-phosphorus ratio, with low calcium and high phosphorus.

Can bearded dragons eat frozen or canned fruits?

No, it is never a good idea to feed processed, canned, or frozen fruits to your beardie. Any fruit that is not fresh lacks natural benefits and so is of no use to the pet. Processed or canned foods have preservatives and so these chemicals are not safe for your pet dragon. While frozen fruits are just low in nutrition and may also have added sugars. All these factors make processed fruits of no value or a cause of health concern for a bearded dragon’s diet.

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