Can Bearded Dragons Eat Snap Peas? | Safe Veggie Snack? 2024

Bearded dragons are reptilians that originate in deserts. However, since people can keep them in their homes now, there are certain allowed foods and some prohibited vegetables and fruits that may impact the dragon’s health adversely. Can bearded dragons eat snap peas? It is natural for pet owners to worry about their pet’s food intake. Moreover, there are a few vegetables that are off the table at all times and you cannot feed your dragon these vegetables. Are peas one of them? Let’s find out!

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Snap Peas

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Snap Peas

Bearded dragons can eat snap peas because they contain many beneficial nutrients. However, you cannot feed them this vegetable every day. There are numerous reasons why despite being a nutritious vegetable, you would need to keep snap peas off the menu for at least two weeks before you feed them this vegetable once. This means that snap peas are a fortnightly treat for your pet dragon, but they cannot have it more frequently.

What Is In Snap Peas For Bearded Dragons

Snap peas are rich in many nutrients such as Vitamins A, C, and K, which are essential for balanced growth. Moreover, these vitamins ensure healthy body functions and bearded dragons become alert, happy, and positive when their vitamin requirements are fulfilled.

Fiber is another component of snap peas that is beneficial for bearded dragons. Folate, manganese, and iron are also present in this small-sized vegetable and thiamine keeps the heart and brain healthy. The nervous system of these bearded pets is delicate and they stress easily. However, the thiamine in snap peas can help them become calm and at peace.

Then what is it that makes snap peas an occasional food item for the bearded dragon? The real problem with snap peas is that it has oxalates and phosphorus. While all other nutrient content is good, these two elements make snap peas a rare food for consumption.

What Is In Snap Peas

The moderate amounts of oxalates in snap peas hinder the absorption of calcium. Phosphorus also does the same thing and does not let calcium deposit in the bones. Bearded dragons need calcium in their bodies to be able to grow healthily. When these two elements are in abundance in any vegetable or fruit, it is not advised for bearded dragons because all the good nutrients in them are nullified if these two components cause the calcium deposits to be destroyed.

Bearded dragons rely on protein and calcium for normal growth. If any of these two elements is not present in any food item, it is forbidden for dragons. However, snap peas have both of these nutrients but it also contains a moderate amount of oxalates and phosphorus. The term moderate is relevant here because while the percentage of these two elements is low, it is a lot for bearded dragons!

What Do Bearded Dragons Need From Food

Bearded dragons need protein, calcium, and vitamin. Apart from these main elements, they require minerals that help enhance their body functions and ensure healthy organs. The good nutrients for bearded dragons include fiber, vitamins, calcium, manganese, thiamine, iron, and antioxidants.

If any fruit or vegetable contains any of these elements it is considered good food for these reptilians. However, if any vegetable or fruit has a calcium-to-phosphorus ratio of more than 2: 1, which means that the amount of phosphorus is more than half the amount of calcium in it, then that food is not suitable for daily consumption. The more oxalate and phosphorus present in any vegetable or fruit, the more unfavorable it is for bearded dragons. Did you know that celery is completely safe for bearded dragons?

How To Feed Snap Peas To Bearded Dragons

You can feed fresh, or frozen peas to bearded dragons and they can devour them with ease. These small vegetables do not pose any danger of choking as an adult bearded dragon can easily eat it. If you are serving these peas with the pods, you must slice them or chop them up into small pieces before putting them on the plate for the bearded dragon. Snap peas are very small in size and can be easier to swallow. Garden peas are large and you may need to squash them a little.

Canned peas are also a good choice as they can be crushed slightly, or you can gently mash them to prepare them for your dragon pet. However, make sure that you serve as much as a tablespoon of these peas as a part of the vegetable mix that you are feeding the dragon. While snap peas are an occasional treat, it is best to mix them with other calcium and protein-rich vegetables to ensure that the negative impact of phosphorus and oxalates is balanced out with the consumption of more calcium and protein.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I give snap peas with potatoes?

Bearded dragons can have snap peas only once in two weeks. If you are serving them more frequently, it will be unhealthy for your dragon, no matter what other vegetable you feed them alongside. However, if you strictly feed bearded dragons snap peas once in fifteen days, then you can serve any of the allowed vegetables with it.

What will happen if I feed snap peas every day?

If you feed snap peas to your bearded dragon every day, they will become ill due to the depletion of calcium in their bodies. This can result in softening of bones that cause Metabolic Bone Disease. Once this disease sets in, your pet dragon can become paralyzed and as the disease advances, it can cause death also!


Bearded dragons can eat snap peas but occasionally. You can add this vegetable to their fortnightly treat. However, try to serve it with other vegetables whenever you feed them! Snap peas are nutritious vegetables but a few factors make them unfavorable for daily consumption. Moreover, Also, check and find out Can Bearded Dragons Eat Snow Peas.

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