Can Bearded Dragons Eat Earthworms? | Feeding Insights 2024

A bearded dragon is an omnivore, which means it eats insects and other plants. Among the insects they eat are crickets, cockroaches, and various types of worms. The diet of a Bearded Dragon contains a lot of insects. However, you must ensure that they are getting the right type of protein. Could earthworms be suitable food for bearded dragons? Can Bearded Dragons Eat Earthworms?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat earthworms. Protein is a major component of earthworms. Bearded dragons can consume these worms relatively safely. If you find any in the yard, it’s important not to feed them. Pesticides, fertilizers, and herbicides may be present. If you feed your bearded dragon earthworms, it’s best to buy them from a trusted supplier.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Earthworms

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Earthworms Every Day

There’s no point in feeding your beardies earthworms every single day. The presence of excess water will cause diarrhea and other digestive problems for bearded dragons. It is possible for parasites to enter the body of a dragon, and they may cause infections. Generally, parasite-infested lizards are vulnerable to illnesses, and they appear stressed and inactive.

You can feed your lizard earthworm feeders occasionally in limited amounts, and they are not toxic. It is imperative to consider the worms’ size since beardie worms are prone to vomiting and choking if they swallow large amounts of food.

Can I Feed Them Worms From The Garden

Reptile veterinarians would also probably advise against feeding bearded dragon earthworms caught from your garden or courtyard. The chemicals in pesticides or sprays used to combat plant diseases get into the soil, where they are absorbed by worms. When they feed, they can also swallow the chemicals, which may remain in their guts.

A bearded dragon’s body can become contaminated with toxins when it eats worms that contain contaminants, and this can eventually lead to its death. Make sure that you buy earthworms from a pet store with a positive reputation. This is if you plan to give them to your friend, or you may want to breed them yourself. Moreover, you may also want to find out Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cockroaches.

Why Should You Feed Earthworms


A certain amount of protein is needed by bearded dragons of all ages. Healthy growth requires dietary protein. The diet of your bearded dragon needs to be high in plants as it ages, although it needs more protein when it is a baby dragon. Along with proteins, earthworms contain minerals and vitamins such as amino acids, iron, manganese, and copper, which work to help break down and absorb food and help repair body tissues.

In addition, beardies need calcium, the most crucial nutrient for their well-being. Among other benefits, it stops the bones of the bearded dragon from metallic bone disease. Because earthworms carry a lot of water, they are an excellent option. Approximately 95% of the mass of a large worm is made up of water, which is advantageous for hydration.

Bearded dragons can also store energy from earthworms, which are high-fat foods. In addition to regulating their body temperature, fats also aid in bearded dragons’ overall hormonal production. Beardies, however, need a very low amount of fat. Because earthworms contain excess fat and calories, overweight pets can develop obesity and other weight-related diseases. Therefore, earthworms should only be offered occasionally as a treat. Also, check out the guide about Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cicadas.

The Potential Cons Of Feeding Earthworms

Bearded dragons are not toxic to earthworms. Earthworms are first of all capable of carrying a lot of water. Up to 90% of the weight of some of the larger worms is water. It’s not something that bearded dragons are used to and can be challenging for them to digest. Thus, you should pay special attention to the size of the earthworm. It is possible for your bearded dragon to suffer an “impaction” if you offer them food that is too large for them. The last consideration is the earthworm’s origin and how they are raised.

Even crickets and other types of worms, even those that are sold in pet stores or at bait shops, must be raised or purchased from a pet store, bait shop, or reptile breeder.

How Often Can They Eat Earthworms

It is now known that beardies should eat earthworms occasionally to prevent any health issues. However, how often should your pet eat earthworms? It’s okay to feed the lizard earthworms twice a week or less often. The consequences of eating plenty of earthworms by bearded dragons can be terrible; you’ve seen what can happen.

Some bearded dragons, however, do not like eating earthworms because of the slime on their bodies and their unappetizing texture. Before you provide your lizard with food, make sure it is what it wants. Don’t force it to take earthworms if it can’t.


Earthworms provide the protein that bearded dragons need. However, these worms are very high in water content and cannot be served as a daily meal, but preferably used as an occasional treat. Earthworms may carry several parasites and toxins, particularly if they were caught in gardens or the wild. If you use worms from a reliable pet store, you can avoid these chemicals that make your pet sick.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can bearded dragons eat red earthworms?

The answer is yes. Bearded dragons eat red earthworms. Ensure that they are fed those that have been raised for food. Wild-caught red earthworms can be harmful to them as they could have parasites or be contaminated with chemicals.

Can bearded dragons eat hornworms?

Yes, hornworms are the best option for bearded dragons out of all of the worms on Earth. It contains a lot of nutrition that the bearded dragon benefits from.

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