Can Bearded Dragons Eat Blueberries? | Dietary Recommendations 2024

Quite a few bearded dragons enjoy blueberries, and they’re as sweet, juicy, and delicious as strawberries, apples, and grapes. You might wonder can bearded dragons eat blueberries since fruit should only have a small role in their diet. Could they ingest them? Blueberries are an excellent treat for bearded dragons when they are fresh, free of mold and rot, do not contain pesticides, and are past their expiry date.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Blueberries

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Blueberries

Blueberries can be fed to adult bearded dragons in moderation, but they shouldn’t be given blueberries every day. It’s fine to feed fresh blueberries as an occasional treat up to two to three times a week. These fruits are not generally dangerous for your bearded dragon to eat. Neither are they as acidic as citrus fruit nor poisonous as avocados. They are a choking hazard if they are whole. Throughout the week, don’t feed more than five slices of blueberries.

You should always choose organic blueberries that have been treated with no pesticides. Ensure they are clean by washing them in cold, filtered water just before giving them to your bearded dragon. Fruits should be removed from the bowl or vivarium after feeding them so that bacteria don’t grow. If you want to read more about your dragon diet then check out Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mango.


Nutrition Chart Of Blueberries

Nutrients Amount
Water 84.21
Energy 57
Protein 0.74
Total lipid (fat) 0.33
Carbohydrate 14.49
Fiber 2.4
Sugars 9.96
Calcium, Ca 6
Phosphorus, P 12
Sodium, Na 1
Vitamin C 9.7
Iron, Fe 0.28
Vitamin D 0
Vitamin B6 0.052
Vitamin A 3
Vitamin E 0.57
Vitamin K 19.3


Compared to most fruits, blueberries are not a great source of nutrition for bearded dragons. Although they have some benefits, they shouldn’t be discarded and if used appropriately can be an important part of a bearded dragon’s diet. It should be noted that blueberries can be beneficial in helping to hydrate your beardies if they are experiencing dehydration because they contain a lot of water.

The general rule is that you shouldn’t overfeed them. While blueberries, other fruits, and other hydration aids can be used to help them with hydration, they should be used in moderation.

When your bearded dragon hasn’t eaten much, or if they don’t eat many greens, blueberries can also be a good food to try and get them to eat again. Adding blueberries to salads along with other nutritious greens will give you maximum nutrition. Blueberries, because they are sweet, will often rouse your bearded dragon to eat. Salad isn’t always the most suitable thing for bearded dragons, however. Some of them need a gentle push, so this method can be useful after an illness to get them to eat more.


Several fruits, including blueberries, contain a high amount of sugar. In addition to obesity, heart disease, and tooth decay, high sugar levels can also cause other health problems. They can also experience over-fermentation due to it interfering with their digestion. Calcium to phosphorus ratios in blueberries is dangerous.

It is ideal for the calcium-to-phosphorus ratio to be between 1.5:1 and 2:1, while the ratio found in blueberries is 1:1,6. Calcium is blocked from being absorbed in the bearded dragon’s bloodstream by calcium binding to it, so phosphorus can make your bearded dragon ill.

A calcium deficiency or hyperparathyroidism can result from not getting enough calcium compared to phosphorus. Such a condition can also cause metabolic bone disease (MBD). A dietary factor that interferes with the body’s ability to absorb calcium is anything that interferes with the absorption of calcium.

In some cases, anorexia, bone deformities, tremors, and lethargy, may result. It is also necessary to take into account levels of oxalates or oxalic acid. Calcium is also bound to oxalates by phosphorus, stopping it from absorbing in bearded dragon’s blood. Also, read Can Bearded Dragons Eat Avocado.

How Many Blueberries Can They Eat


A bearded dragon can occasionally consume blueberries, but they should not be consumed regularly. Blueberries have a high sugar content compared to many other fruits. The consumption of excessive sugar may cause bearded dragons to become obese and suffer from heart disease. Sugary foods, such as blueberries, should be given to your bearded dragon once a week in small amounts. Make sure they are also eating vegetables and insects in their diet because 80% of a bearded dragon’s diet should be meat-like worms and the remaining 20% should be veggies and fruits.


You can feed blueberries to your bearded dragon without any concerns. Quite possibly, it will even become one of their favorite foods. Nonetheless, it is not a good idea to overfeed them. Blueberries should only be cleaned and washed before being fed to them. If possible, buy organic blueberries. They are safer for your bearded dragon but don’t overfeed them. Also, check out Can Bearded Dragons Eat Oranges.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can bearded dragon babies eat blueberries?

Blueberries are not suitable for bearded baby bearded dragons. While growing, their calcium needs to increase, and they should eat mostly insects such as crickets since they require more protein than other animals. It would be best if they had the option to eat fresh leafy vegetables whenever they want.

Are bearded dragons able to consume dried blueberries?

No, a bearded dragon should not be fed dried blueberries. The sugars in the dried blueberries become highly concentrated without the water that is present in the fresh fruit.

Are bearded dragons able to feed on blueberry seeds?

Blueberries have very tiny seeds which cannot become a choking problem or a digestion issue. There is no need to remove the seeds of blueberries before serving them to your bearded dragon.

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